Matthew Deeprose · ·
Last updated Aug 23, 2024 - 11:25 AM Visible also to unregistered users

August 22, 2024 (4:00 PM - 5:00 PM)

# Resources - [Chair’s slides (5.29 MB PowerPoint)]( - [What governance for accessibility in a university? (61.1 KB PDF)]( - [Digital Accessibility - Enhancing Blended Learning through Inclusive Practice (1.59 MB PowerPoint)]( - [Digitally Enhanced Blended Learning - this is the report the above presentation covers (1.68MB PDF)]( - [Recording (59 Minutes)]( - [Transcript (106.3 KB RTF)]( - [Chatlog (14.8 KB TXT)]( # Summary As universities mature in their approach to digital accessibility, thoughts will turn to governance, what practical suggestions can we follow?  What about policy around blended learning? Can we improve strategic oversight and bolster staff capabilities? What impact will this have on digital accessibility? # Agenda 1. What governance for accessibility in a university? 2. Digital Accessibility - Enhancing Blended Learning through Inclusive Practice. 3. Next meeting. 4. Community updates. 5. Any other business. # Session synopses ## What governance for accessibility in a university? **Guy Hickling, Freelance Accessibility Consultant** In this session, Guy explores the need for top-down leadership in universities to ensure accessibility for disabled students. He will argue against leaving accessibility to IT teams, citing their lack of jurisdiction and the limitations of awareness campaigns. Guy will present a practical solution developed with a university’s senior management and discuss the benefits of an Accessibility Board led by a Pro-Vice Chancellor. \ \ Guy will conclude with the recommendation of a dedicated Accessibility Change project to achieve full digital accessibility. ## Digital Accessibility - Enhancing Blended Learning through Inclusive Practice. **Alyson Hwang - Senior Researcher, Policy Connect** **Robert McLaren – Director of the ATech Policy Lab, Policy Connect** The presentation will explore the findings of Policy Connect and the Higher Education Commission's report, "Digitally Enhanced Blended Learning: Leveraging the Benefits of Technology for Higher Education," highlighting how digital accessibility can enhance blended learning through inclusive practices. Key recommendations include: - improving leadership and strategic oversight, - bolstering staff digital capabilities, - ensuring equitable access to technology, - and leveraging educational technology to support diverse learning needs. Emphasising inclusive design and personalised learning paths, the report underscores the transformative potential of blended learning to widen participation and enhance student outcomes in higher education through the use of digital solutions. # Missed an earlier session or want to watch again? If you missed a previous session, [all recordings and slide decks are available]( ![](file-guid:fa0905e1-9ab2-4ce0-b6a8-ae5b17abf13f "Slide1.png")![](file-guid:5fb1746e-8e78-4c80-8c8e-62d030d8cd7c "Slide8.png")![](file-guid:20b1e066-362d-4d76-abae-cd54080aea1d "Slide9.png")


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